Doctor on call heart stent problems
With findings that some experts believe could change cardiovascular care, a new study suggests that the placebo effect of stents in heart patients with chest pain may be far more pronounced than thought. ... "The most important reason we give patients a stent is to unblock an artery heart stent problems heart stent problems pain heart attack after stent placement how long do coronary stents last heart stent recovery 2 stents in heart blood clot after stent symptoms risk of death during stent procedure fatigue after stent placement With the stent, the artery is now an open pipe so the heart may be processing a higher ... feel the pain/discomfort because stents are adjusting Risks Related to Stents. About 1–2 percent of people who have stented arteries develop a blood clot at the stent site. Blood clots can cause a heart attack, stroke, or other serious problems. The risk of blood clots is greatest during the first few months after the stent is placed in the artery.